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Digester Biogas l Genset BioElektrik l Komposter l Mesin Pencacah l Teknologi Olah Sampah l Aktivator Bakteri - www.kencanaonline.com
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Digester Biogas l Genset BioElektrik l Komposter l Mesin Pencacah l Teknologi Olah Sampah l Aktivator Bakteri - www.kencanaonline.com
Contact Information
Mr. Sonson Garsoni, [Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Y!: brand_mngr 
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Phone number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung
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Mobile number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung
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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung
Jl. Pungkur No 115 B
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat
Valid Address
Showroom & Bengkel Kencana, Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Rotary Kiln Otomatis ( Automatic Rotary Kiln) ARK 1000L
PriceRp 32,500,000,- ( loco pabrik Bandung)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
QuantityPack Per 1 Unit
Pack. & DeliveryPalet Kayu Diurai (CKD)
Automatic Rotary Kiln ( ARK-1000L) Biophoskko® with the dimension ( height= 180 cm, width= 165 cm, length= 280 cm) made of metal, fiber, reducer, terminal outlet for motor 1 phase or 3 phase, terminal outlet for electric fan, electric discharge valve 2 pcs, temperature sensors, control panel, and others aeration tools. The ARK-1000L is a perfect solution to process the various types of organic material into compost, which is material to the character or humus soil, which is very important in restoring the material cycle in the ecosystem.

Various types of organic material that can be processed in this machine is all waste material derived from living things such as household garbage ( foodwaste, feces, urine, litter the yard) and agricultural wastes ( crop residues, twigs and small wood, sawdust, wood chips) , livestock waste ( manure, residual forage, feed waste, animal meat and fish) and other human activity waste material. Organic trash categories ( degradable material) including food remnants, paper, residu of fish bone, fruit peel, pieces of vegetables, etc) .
ARK-1000L reducing ability is only in 5-6 days. The reaction that process will finish and the moment, and can be enhanced again with additional garbage and other organic material.

Convert organic trashes into something usefull- which is compost- that' ll usefull to maintenance the fertile of the soil and as nutrient supllier to the plants around the environments like the public' s resident, hotel, restaurant, public' s environment, etc. Compost can also sells commercially to farmers, garden owners, to everyone who has hobbies in gardening, plantation, hobbies in florish, and gardening.

Simple and easy to apply, just prepare trashes or organic material 3 m³ ( 3 meter cubic) or equal about 1 tons weight. First, trash or other organic material must be cut into small pieces ( about 10-15 mm) using knives or chopper machine. Put it directly into composter ARK Rotary Klin. In different container prepare 1 kg ( 0.1 % from organic trash materials weight ) the Green Phoskko® Compost Activator, add molases or sugarcane for 9 spoons and mixed it flat and keep for 2-4 hours. After it blend, pour Green Phoskko® Compost Activator liquid in to the pile of organic trashes within the composter.

Till the day 3rd to 5th the decomposition process took places- along with symptoms: Kiln got heated/ hot, ( up to 70 degree celcius) , a steam comes up, the machine automatic the aeration each time the temperature more than 55 degree celcius. At the day 5th - 7th if the temperature below 30 degree celcius or it has considered cool, door electrical faucet for discharge will open automatically. After the liquid from the aerobic process out of all, further put out the compost from the composter and keep at the cool places and keep it covered with the sack package ( PE) for cooling it down and can be put in the bulk and placed it in the cool around. Within a few days later ( 7 days) , compost substances will dried up and loose. Sieve it till separate the ( micro) slip off granule mess 10 mm with the big substances. Put it the piled up of micro granule into packaging that has planned, or used directly for your plantation' s )
This machine tool has the specification:

1. Can run automatically rotate scheduled as needed in the manufacture of compost, which is every morning, afternoon and evening.
2. Opening and closing the valve to release liquid organic fertilizer on day -5 ( could be set back upon request) .
3. Electric fan can turn on automatically if the temperature in the composter is higher than the bacteria need to do the decomposition of organic material
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