USB Socket Type B for Thru Hole Mount. PN 924 - USB Type B Receptacle, USB 2.0 ... USB Mini Sockets for PCB mounting. PN 934TR
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you can buy now, hurry up limited edition...
32K byte ISP flash program memory. - 1K byte EEPROM. - 2K byte SRAM. - Frekuensi osilator max. 16 MHz. - 32 I/ O pin.
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Super Smart limited edition include atmega 16 and good packing
Supply Voltage ( Max) = 36 Volt - Logic Supply Voltage ( Min) = 4.5 Volt - Logic Supply Voltage ( Max) = 36 Volt - Current Output = 2 A - Power Dissipation = 5 Watt - PDIP-16 Package
Over temperature protection. - Low saturation volatage. - Package: 15-pin Multiwatt Ver
- 1K Byte Flash Program memory - 64 Byte EEPROM - 64 Byte SRAM - 1 kanal timer/ counter - 2 kanal PWM - 4 kanal ADC 10-bit - On-Chip Analog Comparator