The dining chairs are made in the form of a minimalist, with a decorative piece of wood in her kindling, . which makes it more luxurious look, .
in furniture company we can provide such things prabotan household well. divan, sofa, cupboard, sideboard, etc. and all original teak wood from Jepara. . Jepara carving in unique and original. ..
between this coffee table, coffee table a lot of other options, the market is relatively affordable prices, for the middle to lower ..
in our large selection Sorum Jepara teak furniture. .
this one is very classy wardrobe hours in between it?
This divan has a distinguished impression slick, and looks luxurious, and not inferior to his classmates Cots ..
cot this one mempuyai excellence, with the impression Jepara carving .. very sweet klu viewed.
This hour special mempuyai distinguished impression .. and very elegant, very suitable. . . for your home.
180m, 200m in width, length. This tiara divan emng berkhas with Jepara carving well, with carvings of flowers and ropes of new models in its class .. This couch banged fit for the size of a large....