Fish nutrition Technology BISMA-17 fish made from natural organic nutrients including plants, minerals managed so that the formation of the elements of hormones or vitamin fish, microbes....
We are a company engaged in the distribution of organic fertilizers, seeds and agricultural medicines. Our company as well as the official distributor of the province of fertilizer brand " QUICK" and....
Animal Nutrition Containing a wide range of materials supporting the growth of livestock such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals, microbes useful for livestock, enzymes and hormones appetite....
Compound Biological Fertilizer Biological KILAT a storehouse of nutrients made from soil microbes, providing work nutrient for plants, decompose materials Organic solids in soil and keep ....
Compound Biological Fertilizer Biological KILAT a storehouse of nutrients made from soil microbes, providing work nutrient for plants, decompose materials Organic solids in soil and keep ecosystem....
Organic fertilizer is a fertilizer made from organic materials obtained from the processing of certain plants. It contains various macro and micro nutrients which enabled soil for plant growth, ....